Condos and townhomes can offer many comforts and homely characteristics that traditional homes offer, if not more! Many families, couples, and individuals choose to buy and rent these types of homes for their appealing amenities accompanied by their smaller price tags. In this month’s blog, we break down the major differences and similarities between condos and townhomes so that you may discover which is the right choice for you!
Both condos and townhomes are attached homes, meaning they share one or more walls with a neighbor. Despite ownership of the home, many of these communities are run by a home owners association (HOA) made up of other residents. HOAs almost always charge their residents a monthly fee to cover the upkeep of landscaping, pools, fitness centers, and common areas.
These homes typically have less square footage and outdoor space than detached single family homes do and can be anywhere from one to three stories tall. The resale value of these spaces largely depend upon how well the HOA manages the property as well as how well the owner upkeeps their individual home.
Notable Differences
There are several notable differences to consider when comparing condos and townhomes, most of them regarding their physical build. Townhomes are built on land that the owner purchases with the home whereas condos are more like apartments and no land ownership is involved.
When you purchase a condo, you personally own your individual unit and share joint ownership of the building with the other owner-tenants. That joint ownership includes not just the building structure itself, but its common areas, such as the gym, pool, and grounds, as well as the airspace. Some condos may resemble townhomes but unless the land is also owned by the homeowner it’s still technically a condo.
Final Thoughts
There are so many decisions to make when buying a home from location and price to size and available amenities. Regardless if you want a traditional detached home or a condo, it’s crucial to never buy more home than you can afford! This reason is often what makes condos and townhomes such great choices for first-time homebuyers or anybody shopping for a home on a smaller budget. Head to our website or contact our team directly at (617) 972-8588 for local brokerage and mortgage services you can count on every time!